Horologium Olomoucense around 1130

Original illumination, Stockholm Royal Library


Completed facsimile

IMG_0706 plátkové zlacení

Painting build-up, stage of preparatory drawing and gilding the parchment

IMG_0902. kladeni zakladnich tonuJPG

Preparation with local tones

IMG_5896 zkousky barveni kuze košenilou

Experiments with dying of alum tawed leather with organic dyes

IMG_6617 vazba kodexu s nasazenými bukovými deskami

Reconstruction of bookbinding


dying of book cover

Horologium Olomucense (kopie)

Original illumination, Stockholm Royal Library

DSCF7276 kopie (kopie)

Illumination of facsimile

This important Benedictine manuscript was probably written in the Olomouc scriptorium associated with the person of bishop Jindřich Zdík. The beautiful full-page illumination not only has the well-known authors, Hildebert and Ewervin, who portrayed themselves within the illumination, but it is also a very interesting message from the life of the time.

As spoils of war from the Swedish troops during The Thirty  Years War around 1630, it is now housed in the Royal Library in Stockholm.

It is returning to the Olomouc Museum of Art as a facsimile.


The facsimile is executed as a parchment doublepage inserted into a replica of a historical book binding.